Caregivers put the Care in Affirmed Home Care
Would you like to join the Affirmed Health Care team? We would love to hear from you. Call us at the numbers below or begin the online applications for your area of interest.
New York Career Opportunities
Home Health Aide
Registered Nurse/Licensed Practical Nurse
New Jersey Career Opportunities
Home Health Aide
Registered Nurse/Licensed Practical Nurse
Westchester County Career Opportunities
Home Health Aide
Registered Nurse/Licensed Practical Nurse
Connecticut Home Health Aide

We Are Here To Help!
Contact us today to get a personal consultation on all of your managed home health care needs. Our experienced and compassionate medical professionals are here to assist with the challenges faced by you and your loved ones. We deal with issues ranging from Dementia and Alzheimer’s to Hospice Care and Rehab, and a range of other issues that we want to discuss with you. Call us today! We serve the New York City metro area, Westchester County in New York, and Bergen, Morris, and Essex Counties in New Jersey.