Why should you trust your loved ones with concierge home health in New York City? One factor that leads family members to decide on in-home care for their elderly loved ones is that these home care providers offer medication management.
The types of supplements, vitamins, and medication you take change with age. During childhood years, it’s essential to take multivitamins that assist with growing strong and staying healthy.

As you reach your teenage years, more supplements are added to your list, such as vitamins for joint protection if you’re an athlete and pills for those who suffer from hormonal imbalances to help minimize breakouts.
As each year goes by, it seems the list of supplements and medications keeps piling up. It’s safe to say, as you age, the more your body relies on medications to function optimally, especially for those with underlying disease conditions.
If you have trouble managing multiple medications for your loved ones because you’re too busy, now is the time to enlist an in-home nurse to administer medication as needed to keep their health in peak form.
If you haven’t decided yet, you may find our medication management tips listed below helpful as you care for your loved ones at home.
Review Their Medication List with the Doctor
You can’t rely on your aging parents to take note of all the medications they’re supposed to take. We suggest you list all the names of their medications and their corresponding dosages, and the frequency of taking them.
The list includes over-the-counter medications, herbal supplements, and vitamins. If your parents have different doctors, you should indicate the doctor’s name at the top, followed by the prescribed medications and what the medication does.
If your parent receives a new medication, don’t hesitate to ask the doctor about the drug. Inquiry about possible side effects, what it’s for, and when to take it. Another key question is should they take it with or without food.
Reading the label is also helpful in teaching you about the potential adverse effects.
Understand Drug Interactions
Since your loved ones are taking many medications, it helps to learn about potential drug interactions. Some drugs are not safe to take together. And some over-the-counter drugs may interact with their maintenance medications. Review the list of medications and double-check for potential drug interactions.
Check the Dosage
Medications are safe, but they can be harmful if you don’t take the proper dosage. It’s important to know that your body changes as you age, and part of this change is how your body processes certain drugs.
Some seniors are less sensitive to drugs, while some suffer from adverse effects. To avoid these from happening, you should double-check the dosage with your loved ones’ medical doctors to verify if it’s age-appropriate.

Are You Ready for Concierge Home Health in New York City?
Managing medications is a serious job. If you mess it up, you’re risking the health of your loved ones. Some potential problems with managing medications are overlooking drug interactions, the wrong dosage, missed medications, wrong frequency and interval, and many more.
You don’t have to worry about any of this with Affirmed Home Care’s home health aides! Health professionals will assist your family member with not only medication but with daily living tasks and chores.
At Affirmed Home Care, our mission is to support our clients’ overall health and well-being by providing personalized in-home care to meet their specific needs and wants. Contact us today to learn about our offers.