How To Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep issues affect 70 million Americans every year, and can lead to health issues. We are here to help by pointing out some easy ways to improve sleep quality and your overall health.

How to get a good night’s sleep is a question you’ve probably heard more than others, and everyone has bemoaned the lack of sleep once in awhile. You are not alone — 70 million Americans report sleep problems such as insomnia, sleep apnea and other sleep disturbances.

In the long run, this can lead to health problems in many people, but this isn’t healthy even in the short term. It can lead to feeling glum or tired the next day, and this can be particularly frustrating when there are no clear solutions in front of you. We are here to help by pointing out some obvious ways to improve sleep quality alone.

First, you may want to consider setting up a sleep plan. This means trying to get into a daily routine that includes a wind down period, and trying to get to bed at a similar time every night. Many people do this already, but you would be surprised at how many people go for that extra episode of TV, or more time with a good book. Discipline is key, and you will get a better night’s sleep because of it. If you do the same thing every night, relax your body and mind so that sleep comes easily to you.

Part of this is trying to get up at a similar time to go to bed and wake up every night. Your circadian rhythms work best to keep you asleep at the same time, and going to bed at the same time every night can help you fall asleep faster. Once your bedtime becomes the best time to sleep, you can shift your waking time a bit to adjust for what you want to do.

Finding an easy way to relax at the end of the day will help you get into that restful sleep period. Some people incorporate a bit of physical activity during the day to help them feel a bit more tuckered out later in the day. As long as you don’t overdo it, this can be very helpful in getting your body ready to recoup. Regular exercise also improves the symptoms of insomnia and sleep apnea and increases the time you spend in the deep, restful sleep phases.

Another problem occurs if you are too tired to fall asleep. A good solution here is to get up and go to another room to do something until you feel tired and can easily sleep again. Sometimes, the routine won’t work, but rather than stew about it, a change of scenery may help.

Another tip that some people can take advantage of is to take a short nap a day. This can help your brain become more effective and productive. Napping in a nice, cool room also helps because the reduction of body temperature facilitates fast falling asleep and gives you the best possible sleep.

One thing that many people have started doing is keeping a sleep diary. This helps you track how long you lie in bed before you fall asleep how often you wake up at night and how well you sleep. It also helps you to see how your sleep changes from night to night and can help you to recognize the patterns of your sleep. This not only helps you sleep longer, but also prevents you from falling asleep faster because you are less likely to be woken by disturbing lights and sounds.

You should also be aware that avoiding alcohol will help your sleep. Drinking alcohol reduces the production of melatonin at night and can be the cause of your sleep disturbances. Also, if you still have sleep problems and are reaching for supplements or over-the-counter sleeping pills, do not be tempted to reach for them. Alcohol and sleep aides can make you tired at first, but it does not affect the quality of sleep and should be avoided if you have problems getting a good night’s sleep.

Most importantly, if you have experienced more than a few sleepless nights and have tried the above tips but are still struggling with sleep problems, then it is time to see a doctor who can help you get the better sleep you deserve. Most sleep disorders can be treated in such a way that you finally get the sleep you need.

Ultimately, the problem with sleep disorders can impact your entire day, so some of these lifestyle changes can help you regain satisfactory sleep patterns. Even if you may not be able to control every factor that disrupts sleep, you can adopt habits that will help you sleep better. Sweet dreams!

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